React Query integration

React-query is a first-class library to manage asynchronous states

For a working example of react-query integration, please take a look here

For this example, lets try to sync `sheets` state with a back-end server using react query


This document is based on React Query v3 -

yarn add @tanstack/react-query

Create a Query Provider

Create a client and wrap the Spreadsheet with the provider

import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider, useQueryClient  } from "@tanstack/react-query"
import { Sheet, CanvasGrid } from "@rowsncolumns/spreadsheet"
import { Skeleton } from "@rowsncolumns/ui"
import { useSpreadsheetState } from "@rowsncolumns/spreadsheet-state"

const client = new QueryClient();
const initialSheets: Sheet[] = [{ title: "Sheet1", id: 1]

const Spreadsheet = () => {
  const queryClient = useQueryClient();
  // Initial sheets data
  const { data: sheets = [], isLoading } = useQuery<Sheet[]>(
    () => fetch(`/api/sheets`).then((res) => res.json()),
      initialData: initialSheets,
  // Mutating sheets
  const { mutate } = useMutation(
    (newSheets: Sheet[]) => {
      return fetch(`/api/sheets/`, {
        method: "POST",
        body: JSON.stringify(newSheets),
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
      async onMutate(newSheets) {
        await queryClient.cancelQueries({ queryKey: ["sheets"] });

        const previousSheets = queryClient.getQueryData(["sheets"]);

        // Optimistically update to the new value
        queryClient.setQueryData(["sheets"], newSheets);

        return {
      onError(err, _, context) {
        queryClient.setQueryData(["sheets"], context?.previousSheets);
      // Always refetch after error or success:
      onSettled: () => {
        queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ["sheets"] });

  // Update sheets
  const onChangeSheets = useCallback<UseSpreadsheetProps["onChangeSheets"]>(
    (mayBeCallbackOrValue) => {
      const previousSheets =
        queryClient.getQueryData<Sheet[]>(["sheets"]) ?? [];

        typeof mayBeCallbackOrValue === "function"
          ? mayBeCallbackOrValue(previousSheets)
          : mayBeCallbackOrValue
  // Use Spreadsheet hook
  const { } = useSpreadsheetState({
  if (isLoading) {
    return (
      <div className="flex border-solid border-rnc-border border border-t border-b flex-1 justify-center items-center">
        <div className="space-y-2">
          <Skeleton className="h-4 w-[250px]" />
          <Skeleton className="h-4 w-[250px]" />
  return (

export const App = () => (
  <QueryClientProvider client={client}>
      <Spreadsheet />

This logic can be isolated to its own to synchronize sheets between client and server.

The same logic can be applied to sheetData

Last updated

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