Custom charts

Spreadsheet 2 is agnostic of chart renderer. We maintain a schema for the chart, but you can choose to use any chart libraries out ther

import { Suspense, lazy } from "react"
import { CircularLoader, Separator } from "@rowsncolumns/ui";
const ChartComponent = lazy(() => import('my_recharts_chart'))

const MySpreadsheet = () => {
  return (
          chartId: 1,
          position: {
            sheetId: 1,
            overlayPosition: {
              anchorCell: {
                rowIndex: 8,
                columnIndex: 11,
              heightPixels: 200,
              widthPixels: 300,
              offsetXPixels: 10,
              offsetYPixels: 10,
          spec: {
            title: "My chart",
            basicChart: {
              chartType: "BAR",
              series: [
                  series: {
                    sourceRange: {
                      sources: [
                          startRowIndex: 1,
                          endRowIndex: 10,
                          startColumnIndex: 2,
                          endColumnIndex: 10,
              domains: [
                  domain: {
                    sourceRange: {
                      sources: [
                          startRowIndex: 1,
                          endRowIndex: 10,
                          startColumnIndex: 2,
                          endColumnIndex: 10,
      getChartComponent={(props: ChartComponentProps) => (
        <Suspense fallback={<CircularLoader />}>

const App = () => (
    <MySpreadsheet />

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